Topic: Grow
Series: ABCD
Title: The Next Step to Disciple
Text: 1 Timothy 3:1, 2 Timothy 2:2, 1 Peter 5:4
God calls all of us to make disciples. We make disciples as it is a noble task and it extends God’s influence. Divine rewards also await those of us who disciple others to follow Jesus.
General Questions:
- Why do you think discipleship is important? What may happen if believers stay on the sideline as just church goers? On the other hand, if the church focuses on building disciples of Christ who will disciple others, what difference do you think the Church will make in the world?
- The bible describes the role of a spiritual mentor as noble – an honourable and admirable task. Share about a personal experience where you were blessed by a spiritual mentor who guided you in your spiritual growth journey. If you are already in Step D, share how you have been blessed and have grown in your journey as a disciple maker.
Perspective Questions:
- God strengthens and equips those who desire to serve Him. The character and attitude of a disciple maker are more important than one’s competency. What do you think are the attitudes or character traits that God looks for in a disciple maker?
- God promises divine rewards for those who rise up to disciple His people. However, we may still go through challenging times in our disciple-making journey. What perspectives can we hold on to in order to persevere in our journey of making disciples?
Application Questions:
- Which stage of the ABCD discipleship journey are you at? If you are in Step C, how do you think you can step up to Step D to play a part in discipling and mentoring other people to follow Christ? What are the ways that you can disciple others in your life group, church ministry, family and marketplace?
If you are already in Step D, is there a renewed understanding and vision of your role as a disciple maker? How do you think you can expand your sphere of influence – to disciple more and disciple better to further extend God’s influence?