Series: True Spirituality in Christ: A Book Study on Malachi
Title: Awaiting God’s Promises
Text: Malachi 3:13-4:6

At times, our efforts to be faithful to God and serve Him may not reap the results we desire to see. Sometimes, we even wonder if it is worth it especially when those who do not follow God seem to lead better lives. What perspectives can we hold on to in order to remain faithful as we await God’s promises?

General Questions

  1. At times, our unmet expectations cause us to feel discouraged and wonder if it is worth it to be faithful to God. Share about a time where you had such an experience and what helped you through it.

Perspective Questions

  1. We can sometimes erroneously conclude that God is unjust when we try to make sense of God’s apparent failure to perform according to our expectations. What are some ways we can avoid reaching such ‘wrong’ conclusions about who God is when we experience a mismatch between reality and our expectations?
  2. What are some helpful perspectives to hold on to when we do not seem to reapthe results of our faithfulness to God inthe here and now?

Application Questions

  1. What is one practical step you can take to remember your hope in God’s promises as you journey with Him?
  2. Our Christian journey is a marathon, not a sprint. What are some ways we can help ourselves to last the marathon as we await God’s promises?

Series: True Spirituality in Christ: A Book Study on Malachi
Title: Giving God His Due
Text: Malachi 3:6-12

True spirituality requires whole-hearted obedience, especially in the area of tithes and offering. How can we truly give God what He is due?

General Questions

  1. What are some heart attitudes that may hinder us from tithing or being generous with our resources?
  2. Was there a particular season when you experienced God’s provision and faithfulness? Share this with your lifegroup.

Perspective questions

  1. Why should believers continue to tithe regularly even though we are not under the old covenant?
  2. What are the benefits of living a generous life?

Application questions

  1. What is the Holy Spirit speaking to you in the area of tithing and giving in this season of your life?
  2. What is one way you can become more generous with your finances and other resources?

Title: Embracing His Refining
Series: True Spirituality In Christ
Text: Malachi 2:17-3:5

How should we respond when God is seemingly inconsistent with His character that’s revealed in the Scripture and when we are supposed to live by faith and not by sight? True spirituality is reflected by trusting God in His refining work and His timing even when it does not appear reasonable in our human mind to do so.

General Questions:

  1. The fourth dispute God has against the Israelites is their complaint towards God’s seemingly inaction towards evil and injustice. What are some of the What are some instances of injustice and/or suffering we have encountered in our lives?

Perspective Questions:

  1. How do we usually respond to the times of refining around us? How can knowing that God is refining us and that evil would ultimately be judged shape our perspectives and responses to these circumstances?

Application Questions:

  1. How can we respond to God when we are experiencing God’s refining and discipline? How can we help each other to see this discipline as a treasure from God rather than something undesirable in our lives?
  2. As a LG, how can we support one another in responding to God when our members (ourselves included) are undergoing suffering or experiencing injustice in their lives?

Series: True Spirituality in Christ: A Book Study on Malachi
Title: Bearing His Tough Love
Text: Malachi 2:1-9

God disciplines us out of love yet when we experience God’s rebuke, we feel not love but rejection from Him. How can we accept God’s discipline without giving into despair so that we remain in His plan?

General Questions:

  1. Recount a time where you were disciplined or punished (in school, at home, or at work). What made this incident different from abuse or bullying?
  2. What is the role of the priests in the Old Testament? What does that mean for us as believers of Jesus today?

Perspective Questions:

  1. In the sermon, Larry mentions that our identity as a royal priesthood calls us to have:
    a. A reverential fear of God (Upwardly)
    b. A life of integrity in speech and action (Inwardly)
    c. Godly influence over people around us (Outwardly)
    Which of these areas do you think is healthiest in your life? What are some attitudes or habits that help you in this particular area? Conversely, which do you struggle with the most? What are some obstacles you face that hinder you from growing in this area?
  2. God allows us to reap what we sow to reveal what we are sowing. What are some ways that can help us discern God’s discipline when we sow on the wrong things?

Application Questions:

  1. Experiencing God’s discipline can be painful and cause us significant distress. What are some biblical truths and perspectives we can hold on when we go through God’s discipline so that we do not give into despair?
  2. It is difficult to point out to others the sin that they are carrying in their lives. Why should we as a community of God still choose to do so biblically in a loving manner?

Series: True Spirituality in Christ (Book Study on Malachi)
Title: Bringing Our Best to Him
Text: Malachi 1:6-14

It is human nature to do our maximum for those we love. Parents strive to give their children the best life they could afford; workers who love their jobs put in long hours of hard work without complaint. Yet Christians often struggle to bring their best to God. Why is this a problem? Why do we urgently need to examine our heart behind our hesitance to give our utmost to Him?

General Questions:

  1. Name the most honourable person you have encountered. What traits or actions of the person make him or her honourable? How was the person being honoured by you or others?

Perspective Questions:

  1. God is looking for the honour owed to Him. How does the perspective of God as our Father and Master help us to treat Him with honour? Which do we need to be reminded of today?
  2. In Malachi 1:6-11, the people showed contempt to God by offering defiled sacrifices. What are some ways believers today also offer less than our best to God? How does this reflect the value we place on what Christ had done for us on the cross?
  3. Ps Daniel also shared that our best comes i) at a cost (see 2 Samuel 2:24) and ii) from the heart (see Mark 12:41-44). What are some obstacles you face that hinder you from giving your best to God?

Application Questions:

  1. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal one or two areas that you have dishonoured God in. Repent and seek God’s forgiveness. Share with your LG to seek prayer and support.
  2. Write down one or two areas that you would start to honour God by bringing your best to Him.

Series: True Spirituality in Christ (Book Study on Malachi)
Title: Trusting in God’s Love
Text: Malachi 1:1-5

Difficult times in life may cause us to doubt God’s love for us. Eventually, we can become increasingly apathetic or ungrateful towards God. What are some perspectives that can help us navigate difficult times and difficult emotions so we can remain faithful to God?

General Questions:

  1. Take time to reflect on what the Lord has done for you that enabled you to experience His love. What happened and how did your appreciation for God’s love change from that experience?

Perspective Questions:

  1. Ps. Timothy shared 3 reasons why Israel questioned God’s love for them:
    1. Disappointment from unmet expectations
    2. Economic difficulties
    3. Jealousy of neighbours
    Which of these do you find more relatable in your recent struggles? How does the perspective of God’s love help us in such circumstances?
  2. How can we be honest with God about our trials, doubts and fears, and also exercise trust in Him?

Application Questions:

  1. What are some habits you can start to become better at remembering Gpd’s love and being grateful to Him?
    What are some habits you can stop (e.g. complaining, comparing) that takes the focus away from God and encourages a tendency to fear, doubt or get discouraged?
  2. Is there a recent incident in your life that is causing you to question or doubt God’s love? Share with your lifegroup and ask them to pray along with you to trust God’s love.

We need a firm foundation for our spiritual life to live out our identity as God’s people. Join us for a 7-part book study series on the book of Malachi, where we will learn what true spirituality in Christ means.

Series: Abide
Title: Abiding As God’s Special People
Text: 1 Peter 2:9-12

Our church’s focus for this year is Abide. What does it mean to abide as God’s special people?

General Questions 

  1. When getting to know new people, what are some important aspects of yourself you wish they would know about you? Why are these aspects important for others to truly know you?
  2. As God’s special people, we have the privilege of belonging to God. Beyond that, we also have the responsibility of living out holy lives. Sometimes we over-emphasize one at the expense of the other (privilege vs responsibility). Which do you tend to lean towards and which do you tend to neglect? 

Perspective questions 

  1. What is the relationship between knowing our identity as God’s special people and living holy lives?
  2. Why is the habit of repentance so important for believers in living as God’s people? How does abiding in Christ enable us to live a lifestyle of repentance? 

Application questions 

  1. What are some rules that you can implement or maintain in your lives so that you can have a strong ‘trellis’ or support structure for your spiritual growth?
  2. What are some internal victories that you are working towards, or would like to work towards? Entrust these areas to God in prayer as a lifegroup. 

Series: ABCD
Title: The Next Step to Disciple
Text: 1 Timothy 3:1, 2 Timothy 2:2, 1 Peter 5:4  

God calls all of us to make disciples. We make disciples as it is a noble task and it extends God’s influence. Divine rewards also await those of us who disciple others to follow Jesus.   

General Questions: 

  1. Why do you think discipleship is important? What may happen if believers stay on the sideline as just church goers? On the other hand, if the church focuses on building disciples of Christ who will disciple others, what difference do you think the Church will make in the world?
  2. The bible describes the role of a spiritual mentor as noble – an honourable and admirable task. Share about a personal experience where you were blessed by a spiritual mentor who guided you in your spiritual growth journey. If you are already in Step D, share how you have been blessed and have grown in your journey as a disciple maker.   

Perspective Questions: 

  1. God strengthens and equips those who desire to serve Him. The character and attitude of a disciple maker are more important than one’s competency. What do you think are the attitudes or character traits that God looks for in a disciple maker? 
  2. God promises divine rewards for those who rise up to disciple His people. However, we may still go through challenging times in our disciple-making journey. What perspectives can we hold on to in order to persevere in our journey of making disciples? 

Application Questions: 

  1. Which stage of the ABCD discipleship journey are you at? If you are in Step C, how do you think you can step up to Step D to play a part in discipling and mentoring other people to follow Christ? What are the ways that you can disciple others in your life group, church ministry, family and marketplace?

    If you are already in Step D, is there a renewed understanding and vision of your role as a disciple maker? How do you think you can expand your sphere of influence – to disciple more and disciple better to further extend God’s influence?