
We His People [1/4]: Unite In His Love

7 June 2020
Timothy Yeo, Pastor
Title: Unite In His Love

Series: We His People
Text: Philippians 2:1-4
1) Why do you think unity is important within the body of Christ? What do you think are the reasons and causes of disunity? What is the basis that Paul is appealing to believers to be united?
2 ) What do you think are the common goal, common purpose and common mission that believers have? How would the church and your LG look like if people are like-minded? What change could you and your LG make to work towards like-mindedness?
3) Unity in the body of Christ is possible when people choose to put others before themselves. What do you think it means to “value others above yourselves”? Why do you think some may struggle to put others’ interests before their own? How can you live out this principle in your life? What are ways that we can prioritise the interests of others?

4) How do you think believers should deal with disagreements? What does being humble and giving up our rights look like in such situations? What would motivate us to respond rightly in conflicts?