Series: True Spirituality in Christ: A Book Study on Malachi
Title: Giving God His Due
Text: Malachi 3:6-12
True spirituality requires whole-hearted obedience, especially in the area of tithes and offering. How can we truly give God what He is due?
General Questions
- What are some heart attitudes that may hinder us from tithing or being generous with our resources?
- Was there a particular season when you experienced God’s provision and faithfulness? Share this with your lifegroup.
Perspective questions
- Why should believers continue to tithe regularly even though we are not under the old covenant?
- What are the benefits of living a generous life?
Application questions
- What is the Holy Spirit speaking to you in the area of tithing and giving in this season of your life?
- What is one way you can become more generous with your finances and other resources?