Title: Embracing His Refining
Series: True Spirituality In Christ
Text: Malachi 2:17-3:5
How should we respond when God is seemingly inconsistent with His character that’s revealed in the Scripture and when we are supposed to live by faith and not by sight? True spirituality is reflected by trusting God in His refining work and His timing even when it does not appear reasonable in our human mind to do so.
General Questions:
- The fourth dispute God has against the Israelites is their complaint towards God’s seemingly inaction towards evil and injustice. What are some of the What are some instances of injustice and/or suffering we have encountered in our lives?
Perspective Questions:
- How do we usually respond to the times of refining around us? How can knowing that God is refining us and that evil would ultimately be judged shape our perspectives and responses to these circumstances?
Application Questions:
- How can we respond to God when we are experiencing God’s refining and discipline? How can we help each other to see this discipline as a treasure from God rather than something undesirable in our lives?
- As a LG, how can we support one another in responding to God when our members (ourselves included) are undergoing suffering or experiencing injustice in their lives?