For reference to a guide on Family Devotions, find it on the Grow Portal here:
Series: True Spirituality in Christ: A Book Study on Malachi
Title: Embracing His Refining
Text: Malachi 2:17-3:5
How should we respond when God is seemingly inconsistent with His character that’s revealed in the Scripture and when we are supposed to live by faith and not by sight? True spirituality is reflected by trusting God in His refining work and His timing even when it does not appear reasonable in our human mind to do so.
“Note to leaders” is not meant to be read out to the LG, but for the discussion leader to understand the thrust of the question.
General Questions:
The fourth dispute God has against the Israelites is their complaint towards God’s seemingly inaction towards evil and injustice. What are some of the What are some instances of injustice and/or suffering we have encountered in our lives?
Note to leaders:
Recap the main point in the sermon and get LG to reflect on the instances of injustice that they are witnessing in their lives.
Perspective Questions:
How do we usually respond to the times of refining around us? How can knowing that God is refining us and that evil would ultimately be judged shape our perspectives and responses to these circumstances?
Note to leaders:
LG members can examine their perspective of God and His work through their usual responses to challenges in their lives, and discuss how this can be refined in light of the sermon message.
Application Questions:
How can we respond to God when we are experiencing God’s refining and discipline? How can we help each other to see this discipline as a treasure from God rather than something undesirable in our lives?
As a LG, how can we support one another in responding to God when our members (ourselves included) are undergoing suffering or experiencing injustice in their lives?
Note to leaders:
While they might not be able to provide conclusive or satisfactory answers to why suffering/injustice occurs, LG members can discuss how they can support one another in times of need.
There is no discussion guide for this week.
For reference to a guide on Family Devotions, find it on the Grow Portal here:
Series: True Spirituality in Christ: A Book Study on Malachi
Title: Staying Steadfast in Our Commitment
Text: Malachi 2:10-16
Our faithfulness in obeying God and to our loved ones, especially that of our spouses, reflects our faithfulness and steadfastness to God. The question is then, how is this so and how can we remain faithful and committed to God?
“Note to leaders” is not meant to be read out to the LG, but for the discussion leader to understand the thrust of the question.
General Questions:
The third dispute God has against the Israelites is their unfaithfulness shown through acts such as marrying foreign wives and divorcing their wives. What are the outcomes when Israelites marry foreign wives? Similarly, what are the consequences of divorce? How do these acts show their unfaithfulness towards God and to one another?
Note to leaders:
Perspective Questions:
If you are single and looking for a life partner, how important is it to you to marry someone of the same faith and hold similar convictions about following Christ? Do you consider singlehood as an option if you are unable to find a believing spouse instead of looking for a non-believer? Why?
God shows his faithfulness to us by keeping his promises, his unchanging character and his forgiveness when we sin. How can we similarly be faithful to God and to one another, in our marital relationships and in the community of God? Why is it so important for us to learn to be faithful in our relationships?
Note to leaders:
Encourage singles to share about their values, struggles and challenges in looking for life partner and encourage them to trust in God’s care and providence.
Remind LG of God’s faithfulness towards us and we choose to be faithful because God is faithful. Our faithfulness in the relationships God has given to us also reflects our status as God’s holy people.
Application Questions:
For singles, what are the ways you can apply the message in your search for a life partner?
Married couples will face temptations, difficulties and challenges in their marriages. What are some of the common challenges from your own experiences or from others? What are some ways married couples can safeguard and ‘bullet proof’ their marriages before issues arise?
Note to leaders:
Allow the singles to share how they can apply God’s word in their life.
Encourage married couples to value, guard and not neglect their marriages. For those facing difficulties in their marriage, encourage them to seek resolve their marital issues in a godly manner and seek guidance if necessary.
There is no discussion guide for this week.
For reference to a guide on Family Devotions, find it on the Grow Portal here:
Series: True Spirituality in Christ: A Book Study on Malachi
Title: Bearing His Tough Love
Text: Malachi 2:1-9
God disciplines us out of love yet when we experience God’s rebuke, we feel not love but rejection from Him. How can we accept God’s discipline without giving into despair so that we remain in His plan?
General Questions:
Recount a time where you were disciplined or punished (in school, at home, or at work). What made this incident different from abuse or bullying?
What is the role of the priests in the Old Testament? What does that mean for us as believers of Jesus today?
Make a clear distinction that the purpose of discipline is not to make the party receiving it have a difficult time but to learn and grow. Get people to consider what discipline is for and what it requires.
Help believers see their role as a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9) so that they can see the relevance of the text to their lives today.
Believers represent Christ to the world in the following ways:
A reverential fear of God (Upwardly)
A life of integrity in speech and action (Inwardly)
Godly influence over people around us (Outwardly)
Perspective Questions:
In the sermon, Larry mentions that our identity as a royal priesthood calls us to have:
a. A reverential fear of God (Upwardly)
b. A life of integrity in speech and action (Inwardly)
c. Godly influence over people around us (Outwardly)
Which of these areas do you think is healthiest in your life? What are some attitudes or habits that help you in this particular area?
Conversely, which do you struggle with the most? What are some obstacles you face that hinder you from growing in this area?
God allows us to reap what we sow to reveal what we are sowing. What are some ways that can help us discern God’s discipline when we sow on the wrong things?
Get people to consider how they are doing as God’s priest in various areas of their lives. Give them the option to share both victories and challenges so as to remind everyone that we are works in progress and learn from each other’s success as well.
Allow believers to consider the ways they can realize what they are experiencing is truly a result of God’s discipline. Discussion leader can point out that not every negative thing that happens to us is evidence of God’s discipline. Discussion leader can also help believers see that on our own, we have blind spots and may not realize we are dishonouring God. This is where being part of a community is integral even in times God disciplines us.
Application Questions:
Experiencing God’s discipline can be painful and cause us significant distress. What are some biblical truths and perspectives we can hold on when we go through God’s discipline so that we do not give into despair?
It is difficult to point out to others the sin that they are carrying in their lives. Why should we as a community of God still choose to do so biblically in a loving manner?
Help believers ground their understanding of God’s discipline in biblical truths before they experience it so that they will not question God’s love or character when it happens in the future.
Get people to realise that our individual holiness is not a ME matter but a COMMUNITY matter. When a person sins, they are not just representing themselves but the whole community. Use Matthew 7:1-6 as a guide to how we handle sin in a loving manner.
There is no discussion guide for this week.
For reference to a guide on Family Devotions, find it on the Grow Portal here:
Series: True Spirituality in Christ: A Book Study on Malachi
Title: Bringing Our Best to Him
Text: Malachi 1:6-14
“Note to leaders” is not meant to be read out to the LG, but for the discussion leader to understand the thrust of the question.
General Questions:
Name the most honourable person you have encountered. What traits or actions of the person make him or her honourable? How was the person being honoured by you or others?
Note to leaders:
The question allows LG members to reflect on our perception of honour and how we honour someone.
Perspective Questions:
God is looking for the honour owed to Him. How does the perspective of God as our Father and Master help us to treat Him with honour? Which do we need to be reminded of today?
In Malachi 1:6-11, the people showed contempt to God by offering defiled sacrifices. What are some ways believers today also offer less than our best to God? How does this reflect the value we place on what Christ had done for us on the cross?
Ps Daniel also shared that our best comes i) at a cost (see 2 Samuel 2:24) and ii) from the heart (see Mark 12:41-44). What are some obstacles you face that hinder you from giving your best to God?
Note to leaders:
This question aims to help LG members recognize why we should honour God in the first place. LG members can also take the chance to reflect on which aspect of God (Father or Master) they need to be reminded of in order to give God the honour He is due.
In the Old Testament, animal sacrifice was institutionalized by God as a means for the people’s atonement of sin. By thinking that defiled animals were sufficient, worshippers were also devaluing the price of sin. This question aims to help LG members to reflect on how we may treat what God has done for us on the cross lightly by the way we live.
Allow LG members to reflect on personal roadblocks they face and have honest conversations on what holds them back from giving their best to God.
Application Questions:
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal one or two areas that you have dishonoured God in. Repent and seek God’s forgiveness. Share with your LG to seek prayer and support.
Write down one or two areas that you would start to honour God by bringing your best to Him.
Note to leaders:
Revisit the questions that were raised during the sermon so that members can deep dive and seek counsel and support from other LG members.
There is no discussion guide for this week.
For reference to a guide on Family Devotions, find it on the Grow Portal here:
Series: True Spirituality in Christ: A Book Study on Malachi
Title: Trusting in God’s Love
Text: Malachi 1:1-5
“Note to leaders” is not meant to be read out to the LG, but for the discussion leader to understand the thrust of the question.
General Questions:
Note to leaders:
Sharing with others enables our brothers and sisters in Christ to know God’s specific acts in our lives. Apart from celebrating with us, they can also help to remind us of them when we forget.
Perspective Questions:
Which of these do you find more relatable in your recent struggles? How does the perspective of God’s love help us in such circumstances?
Note to leaders:
Application Questions:
What are some habits you can stop (e.g. complaining, comparing) that takes the focus away from God and encourages a tendency to fear, doubt or get discouraged?
Note to leaders:
There is no discussion guide for this week.
We have put together to provide some recommendations and resources on how we can run online Life Groups and guide people through their faith journey.
This memo is updated on 14 May 2021.
There are now more than 161 million people worldwide who are infected with COVID-19, out of which 3.3 million have lost their lives. The escalation of cases in Singapore reminds us we are still in the midst of dark and challenging times in human history.
But we have God with us and we are called to bring His light wherever we go. The darker the night, the brighter the light.
The government has today announced new heightened measures in the coming month in a bid to bring the infection in Singapore under control. Out of love for our attendees and our nation, Hope Singapore will be moving all our gatherings online from 15 May till 13 June 2021. These includes life groups, services, and all other religious gatherings and classes.
We understand that the government guidelines allows for 2 visitors or 2 people to gather physically, but as a church, we would encourage all gatherings to be conducted online. This is so that we can do our part to help reduce cases of local transmission at this critical moment.
Hope Conference is slated to happen on the 29 & 30 of May and I know many were looking forward to gather in their life groups for a great time of fellowship and learning. The pastors and team heads will be meeting to discuss plans regarding Hope Conference and more details will be released next week.
Changes will keep coming, and pivoting is truly our new norm. But we must remember that through all these disruptions, our growth is not just that we become better at adapting. It is also that we learn to depend more and more on our unchanging God.
Let’s continue to meet online, be intentional to connect, and be disciplined to pursue God. We thank you leaders for leading the life groups, and also ask for everyone in the church to support your leader. Hope is truly better together, and with God, let us be the church and continue to traffick hope!
This memo is updated on 27 December 2020.
Phase 3 is here, and indeed we are now entering a new norm as a nation.
It has been more than 1 month since we resumed our in-person worship services. I have spent the last few weeks with different centres and congregations, yet what I received is the same – hope is indeed better together!
No matter what we identify as in this world – sons & daughters, employees, spouses, leaders, or even parents, we are first spiritual people. Perhaps going to church has almost been a routine in the past, but now going to church is a more deliberate choice. The people around us, our families and loved ones – they look to our decision and take cue from us on when we choose to go to church. Our actions communicate what we value. Staying close to God and plugged in to community shows the value we place on our personal spiritual walk. When we make the intentional effort to cherish every opportunity to gather in person, we are also proclaiming that we are part of a greater body.
I am thankful that with Phase 3 and the increased capacity allowed by government guidelines, we are now able to plan for more to return to in-person worship services. Nothing beats being in the house of God together!
Starting 16 and 17 January 2021, we will be entering a new normal for Hope. Here are the new service timings and venues.
Axis Centre
Ablaze – Saturday 2pm at Axis Auditorium
Tertiary – Saturday 5pm at Axis Auditorium
Adults – Sunday 930am* and 1115am* at Axis Auditorium
Kids – Sunday 930am* at Connect Halls (4 – 12 years old)
Filipino – Sunday 3pm* and 6pm* at Axis Auditorium
Filipino Kids – To resume in April 2021
North East Centre
Mandarin – Saturday 430pm at Spectrum Hall
Adults – Sunday 930am* and 1115am* at Spectrum Hall
Kids – Sunday 930am* at Ignite Room and Kindle Room (4 – 12 years old)
Filipino Ignite – Sunday 3pm (alternate weeks)
West Centre
Adults – Sunday 930am* at Chevrons Main Hall
Kids – Sunday 930am* at Carnation Room (4 – 12 years old)
We have planned for an additional timing for adults service in Axis and North East Centre as well as for the progressive return of in-person kids services. Parents, I know that in 2020, many of you worked from home, while juggling HBL for your children and leading them through the kids services and zoom lifegroups. I want you to know that none of that is wasted, the routine you have built helps the children to see what a family does together to worship God! What matters most for a child is not the well-being or grades, but the recognition of the need for the gospel.
The task force has put in measures to ensure the safety of our attendees and especially our children. More details on the detailed measures as well as the registration and check-in process can be found in the FAQ below.
We know that as we return, it will not be as it used to be, or as ideal as we wish it to be. But in this unique and challenging season, let’s continue to do everything we can to live and lead well. Let’s embrace the new norm, and hold onto the same God.
I look forward to seeing more of you soon!
Senior Pastor Jeffrey Chong
Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
27 December 2020
Our facilities are coated with durable NanoEl anti-microbrial disinfection coating that eliminates harmful viruses and bacteria when it comes into contact. All items and contact surfaces will also be wiped with disinfecting solutions before and after services.
All adults and children will be checked for flu-like symptoms before entry. You will also be required to wear a mask at all times on site.
Every zone will be capped at 50 persons including adults and children.
For kids services, every group will consist of 7 kids and 1 huddle leader and will be distanced 1 m apart. Sharing of toys and stationery will be limited to their small group. In the 75 minute programme, we will be having activities that follow government guidelines as well as video teaching.
The tickets are made available on Sunday after service. All Adults and children will need tickets. Please register for the tickets according to the age range of your children. There are 2 ticket types for children: Hopekids (4-6 yr old) and Hopekids (7-12 yr old). For children 0 to 37 months, please register for an Adult Ticket.
The toddlers service will be resuming at a later date. For now, parents can bring them to the Kids Ark and Parents Lounge, or bring them into the main hall.
All the detailed instructions will be in the email sent to you after you register for your ticket. Please read the registration confirmation carefully on where and what time to check-in.
As the Singapore government advises, singing or speaking loudly are considered activities with higher risks of COVID-19 transmission. As such, we advise against having these activities at this point when we gather in person.
不管我们在这世上担任什么角色 – 父母,儿女,雇主,员工,夫妻,领袖,我们主要都还是神的儿女。或许一直以来,到教会去参加主日崇拜已成一种习惯,但现在的我们却要报名,要索票,要主动地选择来教会。我们身边的家人,朋友,孩子其实看着我们的选择,什么情况下我们会选择不去教会。我们的行为反映我们所关注看重的。我们要牢牢地抓住神,不放弃每一次的聚会,坚持联系侍奉,用行动宣扬我们对主耶稣的感恩!
青年堂 – 星期六, 2pm, Axis礼堂
高等教育堂 – 星期六, 5pm, Axis礼堂
成人堂 – 星期日, 930am & 1115am, Axis礼堂
孩童组 – 星期日, 930am, Connect 礼堂 (4至12岁)
菲律宾堂 – 星期日, 3pm & 6pm, Axis礼堂
菲律宾孩童组 – 2021年4月开始
中文堂 – 星期六, 430pm, Spectrum礼堂
成人堂 – 星期日, 930am & 1115am, Spectrum礼堂
孩童组 – 星期日, 930am, Ignite & Kindle Room (4至12岁)
菲律宾青年堂 – 星期日, 3pm,每两星期一次
成人堂 – 星期日, 930am, Chevrons大礼堂
孩童组 – 星期日, 930am, Carnation Room (4至12岁)
This memo is updated on 17 June 2020.
Phase 2 is almost here. Some of you have been awaiting this for a long time for various reasons. Your business may now be opened, or you may now finally be able to meet up with your family and friends. I thank each and every one of you for adhering to the government’s guidelines over all this challenging time. I pray that as we move into this new phase, we will continue to be socially responsible and continue to keep our focus on God’s vision and mission for our church.
The church has never closed
Though we discuss the reopening of the nation, know that the church has never been closed. In these 3 months, we have seen people come to receive Jesus as their Saviour, we have people being baptised in the Spirit over Zoom, we have worshipped in our own homes. We have grieved and rejoiced with our spiritual families in their times of sorrow and joy. No matter which phase we are in, we believe each will offer unique opportunities to show and share the love of Jesus.
Phase 2 – Let us be motivated on how we can share the gospel of Christ better!
Phase 2 means that we are now able to meet face to face in certain environments. And in this (and every) period, our vision and mission remain the same: Love Neighbours, Make Disciples, Plant Churches. In this unique time, more people are open to the gospel. We should go forth and spread the love of Christ more creatively instead of shrinking back. Whether we choose to meet physically or online, let our motivation be how can we serve and reach people as Christ would.
I know many of us long to meet. Let us gently remind each other to practise good personal hygiene and to be socially responsible. Let’s also love one another by being understanding and sensitive to others. If there are members in your group who choose to not meet in person, look for ways to include them when you do gather, such as through video conferencing. If you plan on visiting someone’s home, be considerate of your host’s home and family members.
A new normal – God is still and will always be with us!
As society cautiously enters a new normal, let us take heart and remember that God is with us. Though we navigate through uncertainties, we can boldly hold onto God, ‘our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.’ (Psalms 46:1) Let us place our faith in Jesus, who has promised us that He will surely be with us, to the very end of the age (Matthew 28:20)!
Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
17 June 2020
In Phase Two, we will allow bookings of up to 5 persons per room/space at THE AXIS @ Textile Centre and HOPE @ New Tech Park.
Safe Management Measures are put in-place and are to be observed at all times for the safety of everyone during gathering.
It is mandatory for all to:
THE AXIS @ Textile Centre
HOPE @ New Tech Park
Login to Booking Portal via e2hope member account,
Should you have any questions, contact us at [email protected]
Not at this moment. One important aspect of our service is expressing our gratitude to God through worship. Singing is currently not allowed as it is considered an activity with high risk of transmission. With that consideration, we will still be meeting online for service.
Much as we would love to meet face to face, strict measures have to be in place to ensure the safety of these gatherings and to keep the risk of the community spread low.
To ensure the safety of our people and make our gatherings conducive, all meetings and classes will be held online till further notice.
This means that small groups of 5 people and below can meet physically for fellowship, life group or mentoring if they adhere to safe distancing and personal hygiene practices such as wearing a mask, staying home if they are not well, and washing hands.
The government advises all to be:
• Be socially responsible
• Practise good personal hygiene
• Ensure safe distancing and adhere to safe management principles
• Use SafeEntry when required, and check in and out using the TraceTogether app
• Keep number of contacts small and limited to your regular circle of close contacts, to protect yourself and your families
• Seniors, who are especially vulnerable, should continue to exercise extra caution and stay at home as much as possible
Let us be good testimonies for Christ and love people by considering the vulnerable among us.
As the Singapore government advises, singing or speaking loudly are considered activities with higher risks of COVID-19 transmission. As such, we advise against having these activities at this point when we gather in person.
Yes, you can consider going in small groups of 5 or less. As you meet up physically with your neighbours and school mates, do be sensitive to others’ comfort level as you interact.
The principle to this is to keep number of contacts small and limited to protect yourself and your families as the nation slowly reopens. For now, we would advise that you try to stick to a same small group when meeting physically.
In accordance to the government regulations, gatherings involving more than 5 people are not allowed, even if they are split across multiple tables. We advise for all to keep gathering size small.
社会将逐渐进入与冠病共存的世界,这个改变或许会持续很久,也会成为我们的新平常。让我们记住,神是与我们同在的。尽管经历再多的不确定,我们都能坚定地说“神是我们的避难所,是我们的力量,是我们在患难中随时都可得到的帮助。” 让我们信靠主耶稣和祂的应许,祂必常常与我们同在,直到这世代的终结!
在第二阶段,教会在布业中心和New Tech Park 的会所将开放给各空间5人或以下的聚会使用。
若有任何疑问,请电邮至 [email protected]
• 负起社会责任:
• 保持良好的卫生习惯
• 保持安全距离
• 使用SafeEntry系统登记入场和离场
• 下载 “合力追踪” (TraceTogether) 手机应用程序
• 在尽可能的范围内缩小个人的交流圈,以便保护自己和家庭成员
• 年长人士,尤其是有潜在身体状况的人士,应当继续谨慎生活,尽可能减少和他人接触
We have been hugely blessed to hear so many positive testimonies when our church went fully online for Services and Life Groups for last weekend. There were stories of people joining us to fellowship online and even people receiving Jesus into their lives for the very first time! This speaks volumes of the truth that church cannot be closed because it is not a building. We are the church and even in such times, we do not stop being the church!
The COVID-19 pandemic has been an intensely challenging period for the world. As a pastors’ team, we are praying that God will be the strength of your heart as you go through this season (Psalms 73:26). We are also praying for the hope we have in Christ be displayed through all believers. We invite you to join us in daily prayers for the next two weeks.
In this difficult times, we take heart in Scripture in Romans 8:28 – “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” As we recognise our helplessness, let’s take heart in the sovereignty of God and consider what good God can work in us and through us in this season. For a start, we can be intentional to reach out to others through text or social media, to ask how they are doing and to offer up prayers. Let’s shine brightly for Him during these dark times.
The number of cases locally has been rising. Government has advised Singaporeans on tighter safe distancing measures, which work best when more people do it together. With the desire to love our neighbours and indeed be better together, Hope Singapore will be moving all our gatherings online till the end of June 2020. We strongly encourage all seniors to stay home, and stay connected through phone or text. Our Hope Conference will also be postponed to 2021, and refunds will be given to those who have already registered. This is so that we can all play our social responsibility to help reduce cases of local transmission in Singapore.
As we take this extended step, we will certainly miss the opportunity to gather physically. At the same time, we thank God for technology that allows us to have our gatherings online. This is an opportunity to consider alternative forms of expressing our faith to the watching world, to preach the good news through new mediums to new people groups. As we look forward to meet in person again, let us also not miss what God is wanting us to learn in this season.
Leaders, as a pastor’s team, we want to thank you for leading God’s people in this uncertain period. The team has come up with suggestions and resources on how we can continue to do DOC in this season, and the guide includes games, tools, discipleship resources and outreach ideas. We are excited to grow as believers and make disciples in this new way.
Throughout church history, the body of Christ has not only survived but thrived and flourished through troubled times. In the same way, let us be a generation of believers who will take the Christian faith deeper into our hearts and further into the community. Christ is leading us, and the church would not cease because we are the church. Let us BE the church and spread the message of hope!
Pastors’ Team
27 March 2020
在艰难之时,让我们谨记罗马书8章28节的经文 – “我们知道,为了爱神的人,就是按他旨意蒙召的人的益处,万事都一同效力。” 我们面对自身的软弱时,越是要牢记神依然掌权,专注于神在我们的生命并通过我们所能成就的善工。比如,我们可以更刻意的发简讯或通过社交媒体去向未信的亲友传扬福音,关心他们的生活,并提议为他们的需要祷告。让我们在这黑暗的时期为主去发出光芒!
随着本地的确诊病例不断升高,政府提出了让新加坡人更严格去保持安全距离的措施。这需要每一个人的通力合作才能奏效。基于爱邻舍的心,和全国人共同的努力,新加坡希望教会将会把我们的所有聚会转为线上,一直到2020年的6月份。我们强烈鼓励所有的年长者待在家中,并通过手机和短讯保持联系。我们今年的希望大会也将延后到 2021 年,那些已经报名的人将获得全额的退款。这一切都是为了减少新加坡本地疫情的传播,以尽到教会的社会责任。
This season has created new challenges for people from all walks of life. By this time, even beyond the medical aspect, we would have felt an impact on our social and economic life. Travel plans have been cancelled. Some might face the prospect of being out of job. We may even wonder if there’s enough food and necessities for tomorrow. We are concerned about our family members – particularly aging parents and children. Such anxieties and vulnerabilities may be growing in some of us.
Yet it is also in this season that we have a chance to reflect on the things that truly matter in our lives. It is in such times that the message of the Gospel, of salvation in Christ, becomes such a powerful assurance for us. It is in this period that we can approach God and find Him as our shepherd who is with us.
As your pastors, we love you deeply and are in prayer for you and for the COVID-19 situation all around the world. It is our prayer that even as all of us wisely make practical changes to our lives, we would find our greatest strength and security in the sovereign God we worship.
On 19 March, Pastor Claudia and Pastor Timothy were at an engagement session with other church leaders and Ministers Lawrence Wong & Grace Fu from Ministry of Health (MOH) and Ministry of Culture, Community & Youth (MCCY) to discuss the latest advisory on safe distancing measures for churches. Of the various pointers, some key highlights include:
Safe distancing guidelines looks at 3 factors – Density, Intensity & Duration:
The Pastors’ Team has carefully considered the current COVID-19 environment and the advisory issued. With a desire to love our neighbours and to participate in social responsibility as guided by the authorities, we will change the way we gather as the body of Christ. Starting 21 March, this weekend, Hope Singapore will be moving our services and Life Groups online for 2 weeks, till the end of March. Services will continue to be streamed online at the regular service timings, and Life Groups would be gathering through online platforms. We lovingly encourage the seniors in our midst to take safe distancing seriously and avoid gathering physically to minimise risks. Leaders who serve seniors in your group can keep connected with them through calls, text or short visits observing 1m distance.
This is a change from the previous communication on 18 March in response to the updated Government advisories. We will be taking the two weeks to review how meeting together will look like for Hope Singapore moving forward.
We thank God for technology that allows us this means to continue to have our church gatherings online. This has been a difficult decision to make, as meeting in physical gatherings is preferred for fellowship and worship as a church. But in this season, we consider these alternative means of gathering to be loving to our neighbours and nation.
Even as we take this step, we will always be the body of Christ. Let us remain committed to be connected through the online platforms to love one another and spur each other in our faith. We look forward to celebrating together when we get to gather again corporately. Till then, let us cast our eyes upon Christ, praying for His will to be done and spurring each other towards love and good deeds.
Pastors’ Team
Services will be streamed live through church online at all usual service timings. You are encouraged to gather your group online to tune in together. A set of discussion questions will be made available, and your group can go through the discussion questions together right after the online service.
Be creative on how you can fellowship online! We have a list of tools you can use to maximise the contact online. You can eat together online, pray together, start a Bible devotion plan together and continue to encourage each other. It might take a bit of getting used to, but let us be intentional to connect. Hope is better together, even online!
In what we have shared above, we believe it is wise and loving to limit in person gatherings during this time.
Should you be meeting up individually or in smaller groups, we recommend you adhere to safe distancing guidelines as proposed by the government. This is how we can do our part to be loving to others.
All Equip classes and other LG team meetings this weekend will be moved online.
One of the ways we can show God’s love is by participating in government endorsed measures, including safe distancing. That’s why we’re not gathering together in person – because this is one of the best ways we can love others right now. Yet this does not mean isolation! We recommend that you go out of your way to cultivate personal contact with your neighbours and whomever God has placed in your way. Make phone calls, text, notice and meet a need while being aware of the safe distancing measures.
You can download the Easter invite and
Easter Devotionals – runs daily
A Journey from Worry to Confident Hope by NT Wright on YouVersion – 7 Days
安全的社交距离措施的准则有三个要素 – 密度、强度和期间
教会的主日崇拜将在周末同样时段通过Church Online 的网站播出。中文堂的聚会则会在在星期六的下午4点版在脸书上直播 。
我们准备了一些可以使用的应用程式,大家可以通过视讯一起吃饭,一同祷告。您也能用圣经的手机程式一起进行灵修。现在大多数人也能通过WhatsApp 或简讯的方法继续联系,共同鼓励。线上也能与希望同在!
其中一个关爱他人的方法就是响应政府号召,保持安全的社交距离。这也是我们暂时不实体聚会的原因 -因为这个非常时期,这是爱邻舍的表现之一。