Journey with a personal mentor and learn what it means to be disciples of Jesus in various aspects of our spiritual lives.
Step A is where you make a decision to invite Jesus into your life and have a personal relationship with Him. At this step, you acknowledge Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour.
Belonging to the Local Church is to regularly make time to join services and life groups. As individuals, we seek after God by reading His Word, praying and worshipping. We declare our faith in Christ and His Work in our lives through water and Holy Spirit baptism. Believers are also invited to become members of Hope Singapore.
Contributing is a way to express our love for God and His people. We contribute by investing our time, talents and treasure to build God’s church. Make time to be equipped as a contributor through our Contribute class and serve with excellence!
Participate in the Great Commission to disciple others to follow Jesus. As you mature in your faith, you can begin making disciples by mentoring another believer. You can also serve God as a Life Group Leader.
Own our growth by learning individually, with our mentors, or with our Life Group.